LU Weekly Update Lamar University Students
Week of Jan. 31, 2022
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Cardinal Mondays

Date: Monday, Jan. 31, all day
Location: 5 Under Golf

Join us EVERY MONDAY - ALL DAY at 5 Under Golf for half off Gameplay & 为所有LU的教职员工、学生和校友准备的开胃菜只需携带您的LU I.D.

Executive in Residence Speaker Series : Clark Fertitta

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 02, 12:40-1:30 p.m.
Location: Landes Auditorium (GB 101)

克拉克·费尔蒂塔(Clark Fertitta)是商学院(College of Business)毕业生,毕业后一直在埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)从事会计和税法工作.B.A. in 2004. He will be visiting to lecture and hold a Q&A with students on Feb. 2 from 12:40 to 1:30 p.m. in Landes Auditorium.

Coffee & Connect

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 02, 1-2:30 p.m.
Location: Lobby of the Science & Technology Building

欢迎十大电子游艺网站排行各专业的学生参加 Coffee & Connect! 该活动旨在让学生在轻松的氛围中与雇主会面并建立联系,从而在虚拟环境中建立和发展他们的社交技能.

The 6th Annual Brass Festival

Date: Thursday, Feb. 3-5
Location: Rothwell Recital Hall (Feb. 3-4) and University Theatre (Feb.5)

The Mary Morgan Moore Department of Music 荣幸地邀请克莱顿·马多克斯(大号)参加第六届铜管音乐节, Justin Waller (trombone), Max Paulus (horn) and Dave Scott (trumpet).

Money Matters: How to Get the Most Out of Your Taxes

Date: Feb. 3 and Feb. 14 12-1:15 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center, Neches 120

Stop by the Scholarships & Financial Aid 每周一在塞泽尔学生中心的桌子上学习个人财务规划, saving, investing, debt management and planning for the unexpected.

SURF Panel Discussion

SURF Panel DiscussionDate: Thursday, Feb. 03, 12-1:30 p.m.
Location: Landes Auditorium of the Galloway bldg.

SURF 小组讨论欢迎所有教师和学生亲自或亲自参加 online. 2022年夏季SURF研究计划开放提交提案. Please join us to make a strong proposal. 小组将欢迎来自不同学科的前冲浪冠军.

Career & Professional Development JCPenney Suit-Up Event

Date: Saturday, Feb. 05, 10 a.m. -1 p.m.
地点:JC Penny at Central Mall (3100 FM 365, Port Arthur, TX 77642)

所有十大电子游艺网站排行的学生都被邀请参加JCPenney的西装活动! 获得高达六折优惠的男士和女士的职业服装,配饰和鞋子. Everything you need for an interview or on the job. There will be prizes given away throughout the event.

Saving Hacks for College Life

Date: Thursday, Feb. 03 and Feb. 14, 11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center, room 121

Join Lamar University Money Management (主讲人:劳拉·兰德里-教育第一FCU)学习如何为大学生活储蓄——提供茶点和赠品. Those who register 提前使用二维码进入即可赢取礼品卡一张.

Save the Date - Student Leadership Conference

Date: Saturday, Feb. 05, 12-3 p.m.
Location: Live Oak Ballroom, Setzer Student Center

我校邀请所有学生参加2022年学生领导大会! 扩展你的知识,建立人际网络,并获得创造不同的力量! Sign up today on LUHub.

Investigating and Procesucting the James Byrd Jr. Case

Date: Wednesday, Feb. 16, 4-5:30 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center Live Oak Ballroom

James Byrd Jr. was an African American man whose murder in Jasper, 德克萨斯州成为了全国的头条新闻,并引发了立法改革. 伯德死后,他的家人成立了詹姆斯·伯德种族愈合基金会. 主讲人:Tim Brewer,兼职教授,Mark Broome,讲师.

Cardinal View - LAMARdi Gras

Date: Saturday, Feb. 26, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Location: Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center

Cardinal View registration is now live! Register 参加春季最大的招聘活动!
 我们鼓励所有部门和组织都参与进来,发挥创意,因为总统办公室正在赞助一场餐桌装饰比赛. Cash prizes up to $2,000.

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Meet Your LU Success Partner: Tram Giang

"My name is Tram Giang and I am a junior in nursing! I have been part of the LU Success Academic Coaching team since fall 2021. 我非常喜欢指导和帮助学生朝着学业成功和实现他们的SMART目标努力."

Wellness Wednesday This Spring

Join the Student Health Center every other week for Wellness Wenesdays! 本学期的主题包括性健康、健康的人际关系、酒精安全等! See us at the SSC Feb. 2 & 16, March 2 & 30 and April 6, noon to 1:30 p.m.

30 Days of Wellness

研究显示,近80%的人承认在2月份之前放弃了他们的新年计划. 我们来这里是为了帮助你回到正轨,或者让你走上正确的道路. Choose your guided path for 30 Days of Wellness. Sign up today!

Apply for the Ann Shaw Leadership Award

The Ann Shaw Award 表彰通过团队合作为LU社区做出重大贡献的大三或大四学生, leadership, ethics and integrity. 学生可以申请或由学生,教师或工作人员提名. The winner receives $1,000 and special LU recognition.

Library seeking student and faculty input on study rooms

Throughout February and March, the Mary and John Gray Library 是否正在寻找学生和教师参与对自习室设计和偏好的焦点小组评估. The deadline to sign up is March 15, 2022.

The LU Tutoring Center is Open

The LU Tutoring Center LU辅导中心为本科生课程提供虚拟和面对面的辅导. 如欲预约辅导,请填写 form. 如果您有问题或需要帮助,请联系LU辅导中心 or 409-880-7526.

Apply Now for Seniors of Significance

Student Engagement 从1月11日(星期五)开始,正在接受重要高年级学生的申请. 21. 这个奖项是为了表彰在奖学金方面表现优异的学生, leadership and service to campus and community, and have brought distinction to LU. Apply now for this special recognition!

Winter Clothes Drive for International Students

通过与博蒙特社区教堂合作伙伴的合作 Office of International Education and Services 是在赞助一项冬季衣物捐赠活动来欢迎新生和归国的国际学生吗. 你可以把你的旧衣服送到温伯利117号.

Download the Lamar University App!

免费的十大电子游艺网站排行应用程序为您提供触手可及的校园资源. 了解即将举行的活动,访问您的LU电子邮件,定位校园内的建筑物等等!

LU Moment: Cardinals, king cake and beads –– oh my! | S4 Ep. 6

This week on the LU Moment, Karli Padia, associate director of the Welcome Center, 关于这所大学本学期最大的公开活动的所有细节 ... Cardinal View - LAMARdi Gras.

请收看本周的节目或过去的LU时刻节目 Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Summer 2022 Study Abroad Deadlines

Have you considered studying abroad this summer? The online application takes just a few minutes to submit, and you do not need to put down your application fee yet. The Office of Study Abroad 已经开始评估项目申请者了,如果你感兴趣,现在就申请吧! Deadline: Feb. 1, 2022.

COVID Vaccines
COVID-19 Vaccines Available

免费的COVID-19疫苗(Moderna和辉瑞)现在可以在 Student Health Center to all Lamar University/LIT students, faculty and staff. You must register for an appointment.

学生健康中心还为符合条件的学生提供COVID-19加强疫苗, faculty and staff for LU and LIT campuses. Eligibility criteria can be found on the CDC website. Please fill out the registration form for an appointment.

Rec Sports This Week

Welcome back, Cards!
Join us at the Rec Center and get your new year started right! Rec Center Hours: 
Monday - Thursday: 8a.m. - 9p.m.
Friday: 8a.m. - 7p.m.
Saturday - Sunday: 1p.m. - 4p.m.

Pool Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 2p.m. - 8p.m.
Friday: 2p.m. - 5p.m.

Climbing Wall:
Monday - Thursday: 2p.m. - 8p.m.

Events this week:
Wednesday: Free S'Mores, 5:30pm-8:30p.m. | Rec Center Patio
Thursday: Intro to Climbing Clinic, 4p.m. | Climbing Wall
Friday: Intramural Volleyball registration due
All Week: Group Fitness Bingo

LU NEWS, Jan. 24-30, 2022




Dean's List Fall 2021


Lamar University to celebrate Black History MonthLamar University to celebrate Black History Month

President's List Fall 2021

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Lamar University
4400 MLK Blvd., PO Box 10009, Beaumont, Texas 77710