LU Weekly Update Lamar University Faculty and Staff
Week of March 11, 2024
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Cognitive Spring Group

Date(s): Monday, Mar. 18 through Wednesday, May 1, 10 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Location: LU Speech and Hearing Sciences (Speech-Language Pathology Clinic)

Is someone you love living with a dementia diagnosis? 卢大学的语言病理学诊所为痴呆症患者提供免费的认知刺激治疗小组. Groups meet Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. from March 18 to May 1. 请致电(40)9 880-8171进行预筛选和了解更多信息.

Hearing Evaluations
Lamar Audiology Clinic Services Available on Campus

Date(s): Now through Friday, Apr. 26

We offer audiology services to employees, their insurance-covered dependents, or to currently-enrolled students, with no out-of-pocket expenses. Call (409) 880-8171 to schedule your appointment today.

Community Meeting for South Park Residents

Date: Tuesday, Mar. 12, 6 p.m.
Location: Alice Keith Park Community Center

南方公园邻里合作组织将于周二为南方公园的居民举办一次社区会议, March 12 at Alice Keith Park Community Center. 这次会议的目的是发起倡议,以保持社区安全, engage the residents, 并找到支持十大电子游艺网站排行周边地区的方法. 主讲嘉宾是博蒙特市的迈尔斯·海恩斯和博蒙特警局的海利·莫罗警官. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, 请联络大学策略措施及社区关系科.

Cardinals Closet
Cardinals Closet Opens March 18

Date: Monday, Mar. 18, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The Cardinals Closet 现在对需要衬衫、裤子、外套和鞋子等衣服的学生开放吗. 顾客可以通过在红雀壁橱或红雀食品储藏室做志愿者来获得衣物积分. 更多信息请联系健康教育或卫斯理中心.

LU Is Out There

Date: Thursday, Mar. 21, 12:45 - 1:45 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center, Live Oak Ballroom B

和我们一起吃午餐,听听我们的十大电子游艺网站排行和研究人员社区中令人兴奋的国际工作. 嘉宾们还将听到来自LU自己的十大电子游艺网站排行之一的主题演讲:Dr. Tilisa Thibodeaux, dean of Reaud Honors College.

Center for Resiliency to Host Annual Research Summit

Date: Thursday, Mar. 21, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: Mary and John Gray Library, 8th floor

LU中心的弹性将举办第五届年度研究峰会,其中包括来自商学院的演讲, Arts and Sciences, Education and Human Development, Engineering and Fine Arts and Communication. 来自社区的特别嘉宾将主持关于德克萨斯州东南部经济发展的专题讨论.

Systemic Review
Mary & John Gray Library Hosts Systematic Review Workshop

Date: Thursday, Mar. 21, 4 - 6 p.m.
Location: Mary & John Gray Library, 6th floor

Please join us for "Systematic Review: Steps & Tools." This workshop covers the systematic review process, useful tools, and how librarians can assist in the process.

AI in Academia
AI in Academia: Generative AI in Writing

Date: Tuesday, Apr. 2, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Virtual

出于对生成式人工智能的伦理担忧,教师们正转向大学资源寻求支持. 不要错过这个由两部分组成的虚拟会议,包括来自LU写作中心的教师指导学生写作的见解,以及来自LU教学和学习促进中心的关于人工智能对学术研究的影响的讨论.

International Poetry
Ink of the Nations: The Melodies of Spring

Date: Tuesday, Apr. 2, 4 - 6 p.m.
Location: Setzer Student Center, Cypress I & II (Room 127/125)

玛丽和约翰·格雷图书馆和十大电子游艺网站排行和服务办公室邀请大家参加庆祝全国诗歌月的国际诗歌朗读活动. Readers will share poems in various languages. Pizza will be served. Want to read a poem? Complete the linked form.

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Weekly Calendar 3-11
LU Athletics Weekly Calendar

Come join us this week for LU Athletics events. 别忘了,你还可以在ESPN+上观看红雀队的客场比赛. Go Big Red!

LU Moment - Student Health Center
LU时刻:到学生健康中心报到| S7 Ep. 7

Listen in to this week's LU Moment,因为我们强调了学生健康中心和全国营养月.

Tune in to this week's episode or past episodes of the LU Moment on Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Update Your Campus Contact Information

2024年3月9日星期六,十大电子游艺网站排行对应急通信系统进行了测试. 如果您没有收到这些信息,我们鼓励您按照以下步骤操作:

-Navigate directly to the Self-Service Banner 9 Personal Information section at
-Review your contact details for accuracy.
要接收短信提醒,请确保您的手机号码被列出并标记为“手机”.如果你的手机被列在清单上,但标签上不是“手机”,” you will not receive text message alerts.
-务必也更新您的紧急联系信息. 紧急联系人是学校在你在校期间遇到紧急情况时代表你联系的人. This contact does not receive storm updates/alerts.
手机号码不包括在你的教职员工校园目录配置文件中. 您可以通过单击页面底部的“目录配置”来调整目录中显示的信息.

十大电子游艺网站排行使用您的自助服务横幅帐户中的联系信息来通知您重要的更新. 按照以下步骤更新您的个人信息,并确保您收到重要信息.

Abstract Expo Submissions

Deadline: Wednesday, Mar. 20, 11:59 p.m.

在4月18日和19日在Setzer学生中心举行的第11届年度博览会上展示你的研究, hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research. 本次活动面向所有学科的研究生和本科生开放. Contact for more information.

2024 TSUS Regents’ Awards

Deadline: Monday, April 1, 5 p.m.

来自德克萨斯州立大学系统(TSUS)的几个奖项是 now open for applications. 学院被邀请申请TSUS校董会教授奖和TSUS校董会教师奖. 此外,本校亦邀请教职员申请校董优秀教职员奖.

Lamar Audiology Clinic Services Available on Campus

Deadline: Monday, April 15, 5 p.m.

The LU Speech and Hearing Clinic offers audiology services as a benefit of employment to employees, their insurance-covered dependents, or to currently enrolled students, with no out-of-pocket expenses. 我们还与职业康复中心合作提供技术援助. Call (409) 880-8171 to schedule your appointment today.

Proposed Policy Open for Lamar Community Comment

Deadline: Thursday, Apr. 18, 5 p.m.

Lamar University values community input 并致力于听取和反思有关拟议政策的意见.



卢科业务现正招聘愿意在正常工作时间以外工作的全职卢科员工. 工作人员将与校园伙伴合作,为重大活动建立场地和空间, work in special assignments, move equipment or furniture across campus, and provide general work support for campus operations. To apply, visit the job link today.

Get Publicity

Have something to share? Submit your good news (e.g.,活动,出版物,教师研究,奖励,部门祝贺,赠款等.),营销传播办公室将通过电子邮件将消息发布出去, web, social media and more. 

所有批准的公告必须在周四下午3点前收到.m. to be included in the following week's campus update.

LU News, March 4 - March 11


College of Arts and Sciences celebrates women in STEM

LU’s Dr. Msengi publishes memoir

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